What are the detailed steps of pulmonary function test?

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@baymax Sir, What are the detailed steps of pulmonary function test?

1 Answers

The detailed steps of pulmonary function testing are as follows:

1.Registration and appointment: first, go to the respiratory department of the hospital and make an appointment for pulmonary function testing. Wait in the waiting area until it's your turn.

2.Preparation: before the test, it is recommended to avoid fasting, but not eat too much. It is also recommended to avoid strenuous activities half an hour before the test. If you have taken drugs that may affect pulmonary function, such as bronchodilators and hormones, please inform the doctor. In addition, it is recommended to rinse your mouth before the test.

3.Examination: patients sit in a chair, connect the equipment with a disposable non-reusable mouthpiece, clip the nose clip, lightly bite the bite, and do not leave gaps around your mouth. During the test, patients need to complete five sets of respiratory movements according to the doctor's instructions, breathing entirely through the mouth.

The first set is to inhale and exhale with maximum effort for 12 seconds at a rate of one breath per second;

The second set is to inhale and exhale deeply after a calm breath, and then exhale as quickly as possible until it can't be exhaled;

The third set of movements is to calmly breathe in first, then adjust to rapid breathing when there is a blockage, perform rapid breathing for 3-4 times, then adjust to calm breathing, then inhale deeply and exhale strongly;

The fourth set of movements is to calmly breathe in first, then exhale strongly until exhausted, then inhale strongly until exhausted, recover calm breathing, repeat 3 times, then inhale strongly until exhausted, then exhale strongly until exhausted, recover calm breathing, repeat 3 times;

4.Completion: after completing the five sets of respiratory movements, the test is over. You can leave directly.